Ty Bohm is a musician and new media artist who lives in San Diego, CA. His work has been exhibited and screened across the US and abroad.
Reclamation Project, Plexus Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Generator, Plexus Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Does Not Compute, 934 Gallery, Columbus, OH
Slang for Robots, Gallery Madison Park, New York, NY
Technorama, Sean Christopher Gallery, Columbus, OH
The Future is Behind Us, NEIU Fine Arts Center, Chicago, IL
Futurismo, Cultural Arts Center, Columbus, OH
In Code, City Center Gallery at Ohio State University Urban Art Space, Columbus, OH
20/92 Video Festival, Icebox Project Space, Philadelphia, PA
GUI/Gooey 2.0, Plexus Projects, Brooklyn, NY (forthcoming)
FILE Festival, São Paulo, Brazil
Waveforms, Museum of Science, Boston, MA
Revolutions Per Minute, Harvard CAMLab, Cambridge, MA
20/92 Video Festival, Icebox Project Space, Philadelphia, PA
CineAutopsia, Bogotá, Colombia
Cartas de Cuba, República 289, Camagüey, Cuba
Hooked, Science Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Cartas de Cuba, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH
it’s so simple yet nobody does it pavilion, The Wrong Bienniale, Centre de Carme, Valencia, Spain
Space Time, 934 Gallery, Columbus, OH
Iced Ice, Proto Gomez, New York, NY
Deep Fake, Supercollider, Los Angeles, CA
LOR, The Neon Heater / Heater Theatre, Lubbock, TX
LOR, The Neon Heater / Chamber, Milwaukee, WI
5, 934 Gallery, Columbus, OH
Formula 1, CUE Art Foundation, New York, NY
It Could Be You: Portraiture in a Constructed World, Equity Gallery, New York, NY
Love Triangle, Deep Space Gallery, Jersey City, NJ
AutoUpdate, FotoFocus at The Carnegie, Cincinnati, OH
XOU | Shuffle Playlist, The Neon Heater / Divisible, Dayton, OH
Who We Are, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH
National Juried Exhibition, First Street Gallery, New York, NY
TechnoMEME 2, Fuse Factory, Columbus, OH
Unseen Festival, Counterpath, Denver, CO
(Social) Status: Update, NURTUREart, Brooklyn, NY
Re:Formation, Gallery Madison Park, New York, NY
20/92 Video Festival, Icebox Project Space, Philadelphia, PA
History of the Future, Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Boston, MA
Permeable Boundaries, Plexus Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Change of State, The Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY
Synthetica, Weston Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Cinema, Sean Christopher Gallery, Columbus, OH
Not the Grammys, Terrault Contemporary, Baltimore, MD
It's Not Funny, Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY
The Jump Off, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI
Art from Art, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Color - Primary to Tertiary, Site:Brooklyn Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
8-Bit, Whitdel Arts, Detroit, MI
Introductions, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Neumann Plus One, Proto Gallery, Hoboken, NJ
Anthology, Van Der Plas Gallery, New York, NY
Gesture Control, The Contemporary, Dayton, OH
Just My Type, Whitdel Arts, Detroit, MI
Compressed, Rivet, Columbus, OH
Art + Science, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY
Beyond Our Walls, Ohio State University Urban Arts Space, Columbus, OH
Lumos Gallery, Columbus, OH
Lumos Gallery, Columbus, OH
HWD, Rosewood Gallery, Dayton, OH
Roy/Joy/Boy, CML Carnegie Gallery, Columbus, OH
OhioCentric, Ohio State University Urban Arts Space, Columbus, OH
2012, Fuse Factory, Columbus, OH
Trecco, Giulia, “Já visitou o FILE? Inteligência artificial e a humanidade inspiram mais uma edição”, São Paulo Secreto, July 11
Oliphint, Joel, “Tech Skews Utopian in Tyler Bohm’s Does Not Compute”, Columbus Alive, Feb. 5
Fisher, Jim, “Preview: ImageOHIO 19”, Columbus Alive, Jan. 23
Erkan, Ekin, “On the Question of How to Approach a New Visual Language?”, Aequai, March 3
Digital America, Issue 13, April 9
”FotoFocus announces 40+ Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana artists selected for AutoUpdate exhibition”, Art Daily, Sept. 20
E-Squared Magazine, Issue 5
A Hundred Eleven, Vol. II
Manley, MacKenzie, “Sneak a Peek at Weston Art Gallery’s Two New Exhibits”, CityBeat, Nov. 26
Dialogist, Vol. IV, Issue I
Creativpaper.com, March 23
Rafferty, Rebecca, "RoCo’s exhibit approaches serious subjects with merry media", Rochester City Newspaper, April 12
Create! Magazine (blog), August 30
Gleeson, Scott, "My Facebook BFF: A Conversation with Tyler Bohm", Peripheral Vision Arts, Issue 6
Butler, Sharon, "Recommended: 'Introductions 2016' at Trestle", Two Coats of Paint, Jan. 26
Machi, Vivienne, "DVAC Rings in 2016 with Gesture Control", Dayton Daily News, Jan. 27
Ramirez, Manuel, "'Mona Lisa defragged' de Tyler Bohm al acrílico en madera y plexiglás", Creativos Online, Feb. 9
Borg, Alex, Artist profile, Seven Shades of Black online (UK), April 4
Tonguette, Peter, "Local artist Tyler Bohm explores speculative views on Plexiglas", Columbus Dispatch, July 17
"Quick View: Tyler Bohm", SciArt Magazine, August Issue
"Technology, Tension & Transformation", Fuhrious Podcast, Dec. 14
Art Maze Magazine (blog), Dec. 22
Starker, Melissa, "Broken Stigma", Columbus Dispatch, June 14
Tigges, Jessie, "Fresh AIR 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition", Columbus Alive, June 18
365 Artists 365 Days, Aug. 12
Fresh Paint Magazine, December Issue
Yates, Christopher, "Unconventional Works Stand Out in a Cohesive, Compelling Show", Columbus Dispatch, June 8
Burgess, Kathleen, "I Satellite", Pudding Magazine, March edition
Dion, Karen Gardiner, "Meta-Mission", 614 Magazine (Columbus), Sept. 1
Starker, Melissa, "OSU Urban Arts Space Salutes Ohio", Columbus Dispatch, Feb. 26
BA, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
MPhil, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
The technologies that shape our lives represent an intriguing platform for speculation. They evoke an array of hypothetical futures drawn from both the dystopian and utopian ends of science fiction. I explore this evolving technological landscape by imagining futurist scenarios that reflect broader hopes and fears about the present.
My work probes the effects of contemporary technologies on how we view ourselves and the world around us, exploring the nature of perception in the digital age. It explores themes such as technophilia and technophobia, evolving online cultures and norms, and the warped sense of normalcy that arises in the face of rapid technological change.
These thematic interests dovetail with my process. I am interested in navigating the fuzzy gray area between the digital and physical, and often use CAD software and laser cutting to translate digital designs into physical objects, and to embed video within hybrid media works.